Out of puff
Just LOVE ...

In a spin

It has been one of those hectic days and I am SO glad that the boys are asleep, the housework is done and I can sit down and relax with a cup of coffee. Can you believe I did 12 trips in the car today?

  1. Trip to Mums to drop off Callum.
  2. Return to Verwood with Matthew to his new first school for a taster session.
  3. Over to Mums to pick Callum up.
  4. Back home to have lunch with boys.
  5. Take Matthew to pre-school.
  6. Return home with minor detour to get Callum asleep.
  7. Back to pre-school to pick Matthew up.
  8. Return home for snack and quick change.
  9. Take Matthew to Football club, surprisingly we're first ones there - good Mum.
  10. Return home with Callum to prepare dinner.
  11. Half an hour later back out to pick Matthew up from football, I'm a last one to pick up my child - bad Mum!
  12. Final trip home.

Matthew's session at first school this morning went well, apart a few tears when we parents left to have a coffee whilst the children listened to a story, I got called back in! However, when it was time to go he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay and play. Hopefully next week he'll have no tears.

At the end of last week I made this page about the boys game of 'Spinney, Spinney'. Basically you need; an office chair that spins, two little boys and one Mummy - you get the idea! Spinning on the chair is one of their favourite things to do when we are upstairs and yes I have a go too! I was reading Jamie Waters blog and saw a photo of some scrap kits she was using for her class and although it was just a litttle glimpse, I noticed that she had included the same Autumn Leaves French Twist paper I had in my supplies. I had been deliberating over which patterned paper to use on this layout until then!


On Saturday we went for a family walk to the Country Park with Jeff's brother Mike who is staying with us for a few days (they have gone to see Stonehenge tonight). Whilst Matthew was ahead on his bike with Mike, Callum climbed onto a bench, sat down and said "Daddy sit here, Mummy sit here" we did as we were told, I held the camera out in front and snapped this great photo.


That evening I drove up to Sara's house for a Spanish girls night in, complete with San Miguel beer, Sangria and Paella. Great night - thanks Sara, Lena and Amanda. Here's a photo, I'll not post the others here, I'll e-mail them to you!


Back home on Sunday morning for Father's Day with surprisingly no hangover. I had left a basket of breakfast goodies with Mike to give Matthew to give to Jeff, and followed that up with a couple more presents on my return. I made Jeff a card and a mini book (which I only finished today and the ' mistake was pointed out to me by Jeff) using a 'teeny weeny album' from 7gypsies.

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Then we all went to the beach, had lunch at Vesuvio and had a LONG walk along the promenade, although Matthew had two helping hands!

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