A story of one book, two little boys and a BIG coincidence.
Easter 2010

Spring has finally sprung!

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These last few days it has really felt like spring has finally sprung, especially the last three days - blue skies, temperatures in the high teens and no need for coats. Infact, it felt like early summer - if I say it quietly do you think it might stay?


As you can see the boys have been springing too and my red shoes have come out of the wardrobe for the summer!


The boys and I have spent most of the last two days outside, it has truly been glorious. They've been doing lots of the above and I've been busy in their playhouse. I have tackled the mould problem in the playhouse by applying two coats of fungicide wash over two days to all of the woodwork. I wore goggles whilst doing this to protect my eyes. Callum thought they were great and continued to wear them after I'd finished with them. Thursday I painted the ceiling to cover over the ugly plywood and the mould spots. I also painted the windows inside and out (the inside hadn't been done before), whilst I was at it I repainted the window boxes and the front door (inside and out). Then I vacuumed the carpets - yep it even has carpets! It smelt lovely in there after that as I've one of those scented sachets in the vacuum bag - no more paint smell.


Yesterday it was moving day. Moving all the playhouse stuff that has been residing in our 'big' house over the winter back into their 'little' house. My little removal men were easily sidetracked with making faces out of the playfood (Matthew) and arranging the bedding in the upstairs loft (Callum). And me, well I enjoyed hanging up the curtains and making it look neat and cosy again.

Before and After

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In the afternoon after a rather stressful trip to Tesco (oh how I love shopping via the internet or when the boys are at school) we went to the garden centre to get some plants for their window boxes. We chose red geraniums and white trailing petunias, which coincidentally will match the colours on the Northern Ireland flag that's flying from the playhouse. Hopefully they will last through the summer, if we remember to water them!

Before and After

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They stayed out playing in the playhouse until about 7pm last night, then they closed the curtains and locked the door for the night - so cute!

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Full of the summer spirit we even had our first barbeque of the year and cooked far too much, so it's left over sausages for dinner tonight!


It's another lovely day out today so I'll finish this post with a layout I did a few weeks ago and forgot to share. It's of Mother's Day and I used a digital layout template which Ali Edwards gave away free via a shutterbox link. I changed the original layout from 12 x 12 to 8.5 x 11 (can't print 12 inch layouts on my printer).


I've another layout to share, plus photos from Easter, but I've a craft fair tomorrow (cards to make) so I'll save those for another post. Have a lovely weekend.
