C K'ing Inspiration
Sneak Peek

Haircuts, Eyedrops and Knuckleheads

On Thursday the boys both had their hair cut, this was Callum's first proper haircut and he was as good as gold. Infact so was Matthew, and believe me we've had many trips to the barbers resulting in tears, walk outs and bribery!

Matthew has been suffering with an eye infection this week. This has meant we have been carrying out 'Operation Eye Clean' in the middle of the night because his eyes have become totally stuck together. Plus in order to get him to have eyedrops, I have persuaded him that after each successful eyedrop he can do knucklehead on me! This is when he rubs his knuckles on the top of my head, whilst saying "knucklehead!" (as seen in Ice Age). Seems to do the trick, even heard him doing it to Jeff tonight! Unfortunately Callum woke up this morning with the infection, poor wee lad, I wonder if he'll sleep through or if 'Operation Eye Clean' will have to be carried out on him too.

Yesterday we went to Cheltenham, which is usually about 2 hours away by car. The car journey seemed to take forever, especially as the last time we drove there Matthew was sick on the way. We were totally unprepared and had to buy him a new set of clothes when we arrived in Cheltenham. So this time we took a spare set for each boy and a roll of kitchen paper, just to be on the safe side! Sure enough Matthew started to complain of a funny tummy after 40 minutes. We stopped shortly after for about 20 minutes, had a walk around and a snack. Thankfully this did the trick and we arrived in Cheltenham in the clothes we started off in.

Here's some photos from the day; play in Pittville Park (just up the road from where Jeff used to live), the Promenade and the Bubble Blowing Fish Clock. The kids love this clock, every hour on the hour the big fish blows bubbles which the children can run and pop. We arrived at 3:46pm, Matthew and Callum were kept amused for 14 minutes watching the balls move away the framework and mice coming out every minute. I took photos of the clock, them watching and waiting, and then one of the bubbles at 4 o'clock. Only as I took the photo I realised that Matthew was crying, apparently somebody had burst the bubble he wanted to pop! Somehow I think I may have to scrap that story and photos.

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And finally, I said I was going to do a layout on the Lulworth Cove photos and here it is; Simply Beautiful. (Sorry Janine!)

