Birthday Boy is 4
Before and After

A little bit of de-stress time

I love my boys, but man sometimes they drive me mad! So I am upstairs out of the way, on the computer listening to Jack Johnson and Jeff is in charge downstairs. Jack Johnson is my ultimate de-stress music, love him and don't listen to him as much as I need to, would probably help me shout less and cope better. Also checking out the creating garden on the 2peas website, in particular Jamie Waters - she is fantastic, love her carefree style. Have printed off a layout called 'Now' that I instantly felt inspired to scraplift, infact she had lifted it from someone else. Fancy a challenge to scraplift it too? This is hers...


Back to my own layouts, I've been busy scrapping the birthday photos taken over the last week. Got to say I'm am so pleased with both of them, especially the 'Blow' layout. This was inspired by a layout in the June issue of Creating Keepsakes which had used a thin strip of striped KI Memories paper on a white background with 7gypsies stamps, have all those in my stash!

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Did you see the cute felted bag Cathy Zielske knitted afew months ago? Have been wanting to make one ever since, but had no idea how to knit - cue some knitting lessons from my Mother-in-law Hilda last Sunday and Monday. Finished it in a day, then got around to washing it last night, the 'felting process', washed it again this morning and now it's drying, but it looks good. Can't wait to knit another, although may need to locate some cheaper wool, you need 100% wool which can be a bit pricey. Anybody want one? This is how is looked before I washed it...


Will show you an 'after' shot in my next post once it's dried and shaped.

OK, feeling a lot happier, inspired and de-stressed, time to go back downstairs!
