The Big Balloon
Pencil Lines Sketch # 38

Helping Hands

Oh, what a week. Monday I had to get my car serviced so Jeff lent me his for the day so that I could take Matthew to pre-school and football. Tuesday Matthew had a session at his 1st School so my friend Jo came over to look after Callum. I also completed this layout about 'Us', a fairly rare family shot that Jeff's brother Mike took when he was staying with us.


Wednesday it truly went down hill - I woke up feeling ill and proceeded to get worse. Jeff even came home from work for a few hours until my Mum could come over to look after the boys. Thursday and Friday I was still mainly in bed with Mum looking after the boys. Mum doesn't drive so it meant my Dad had to drop her over and pick her up. Plus poor Jeff has been getting the boys up, dressed, fed and putting them to bed, he's shattered, bless him. Yesterday I went to the Doctors and got some tablets to help stop me feeling sick. But I still can't really face food and now poor Matthew has come down with the bug. I hope no-one else does, but my fears are they will. Only good thing is that I've lost nearly 5 lbs!
