Hearts & Flowers
Scrap time

Shiver me timbers!

Remember that order for 8m of Pirate bunting, the one I thought wouldn't actually happen? Well it did, it's done, she's very pleased with it and just as importantly (ok maybe more) she's paid for it too! Hip, hip hooray!

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I'm going to do some Christmas fairs locally in November, hopefully people will be looking for (and buying) christmas presents. I've had interest in Christmas themed bunting so I think this maybe one of my next projects. That and some painted heart and star christmas tree decorations and maybe even garlands. Lots of thoughts and ideas are going through my head!

I managed to start a layout on Matthew's first day of school, I've added hidden journaling as there is so much to say. I've got even more to add like how much his uniform etc has cost (thought that would be good to keep a record of) so once I've finished I'll show you.

I'll leave you with some funny photo's of Callum - enjoy!

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