Week long Creative!
My wee boy

The 100th post - Happy Valentines Day


Did you see the 2nd weekend creative by AE about making a valentines book? I adapted it and made it for Jeff, it's all wrapped up waiting for him to get home. But here's a little peek of it before I wrote in it...



Decided not to go with the felt, not really 'his thing' so I used a little red book cover by Making Memories that I had in my stash. I also made the book half the size of the original at roughly 3.5 x 3.5 inches. Plus I took the liberty of making two; one for reasons why I love him and one for him to hopefully fill with reasons why he loves me!

This morning Matthew gave Jeff and I each an envelope with Mummy and Daddy written on it and inside was a picture he'd drawn. Mine was a picture of a person (must ask later if it was supposed to be me or him) with a big flower and the sun shining. He had been very excited about giving them to us since he made them 4 days ago, everyday asking if it was Valentines Day yet.

In my last post I said that I'd show you what I came up with for last weekend's creative prompt; patterned paper and a punch. I don't have very many punches, but I do have a really cute little tag punch (about an inch long). I also had a box frame that measures about 6 x 6 inches so the size fitted the little punch outs perfectly.


A couple of posts ago I wrote my little and big list of 2007, I got a round to scrapping it. Have to admit I'm not totally in love with how it turned out, just a bit too much going on.


And to finish off, some photos from the last few days.

Hengistbury Head...





At home; Callum and Matthew drawing one of many mazes.

