
School Photos Monday

Always good to start a new week with some happiness, unfortunately it was somewhat lacking this morning with our boys. The school photographer is at Matthew's school today and we had the chance to have 'siblings' photos early this morning. We had them dressed in their uniforms, Matthew even had a nice new jumper bought especially for the photos (his other one has black permanant pen marks on it). We waited for ages in line and then it was our turn and this is what we got...

Matthew & Callum Take 1 220908  Matthew & Callum Take 2 220908  Matthew & Callum Take 3 220908 

Somehow I don't think we'll be buying these!

Callum sat and had some photos taken on his own, which came out ok and Matthew will be having individual photos later with the rest of his class. Hope he holds it together, as you'll see from my last post they actually have a special album to go in now. However, should they come back rubbish we can go to Callum's pre-school and have photos taken during the October half term, which I think is where we may be heading if these are anything to go by.

I can't really blame Matthew, the photographer was the same photographer who used to take my school photos when I was his age and I never liked him either! Infact I think he took this one, way back in 1980 (or 1981?), I would have been about the same age as Matthew, I think.

Jo school photo 1980 

Want to see some more? Whilst I had the scanner out this morning I scanned these in too, can you tell our parents used to cut our hair?

Jo Playschool photo 1978  Jo School photo 1979 

Above Left - photo taken at Playschool, age 3. Above Right - First school, age 4.

Jo and Janet school photo 1979 

Our siblings photo, me and my sister Janet - me aged 4, Janet aged 6, 1979. I even remember this photo being taken.

Hopefully this has given you some smiles, happy Monday!
