Hello Portobello and Hey There Hairspray!
Observations from Easter Sunday

"Can you believe it's really Easter tomorrow?"

That's what Matthew said when he was in bed tonight and when I came upstairs after it had all gone quiet this is what I found...


and this...


As you can see photos were taken and Jeff was called up to take a look at our sleeping babes.

We've been preparing for Easter by baking easter shaped cookies, thanks to a special easter parcel from Grandma and Grandad in Northern Ireland (thank you so much for the cookie cutters, chick craft pack and the lovely pink cupcake tray).


AND by making Easter Nests with the mini eggs which Sheila kindly left for the boys.


Much chocolate was eaten by the boys during that cooking session, you might just be able to make out Matthew's chocolate beard!

Wednesday we met up with my good friend Ros and her son Ted for an afternoon at the park. I took a flask of coffee, Ros took yummy biscuits and some bread for the ducks. The boys enjoyed running around and playing on all the play equipment, especially the roundabout. So much so that when Matthew was in bed that night he said it felt like he was still on the roundabout!


Last weekend was a busy one for me, as I had two craft fairs. The saturday fair was our first Cornflower Country Craft fair in Burley of the year (we have 5 more during the year) and Sunday we held our first outdoor fair at a big shopping centre in Bournemouth, Castlepoint. Sales weren't as good as I would have hoped for, but I guess that's the way it's going to be this year what with the state of the economy.


The boys had a great day out at a farm meeting and feeding the animals with Auntie Janet and Richard last Saturday. (Thank you for having them and giving them a lovely day out)


Lego is always a favourite with the boys, especially Matthew; for example the almost daily taking apart and rebuilding of the green cargo plane (seen on the end of his bed in the very first photo). At school the topic for the last half-term has been 'Parklife' (I have to say 'Parklife' in the style of the Blur song of the same title!). So the week before last he (and I) made a play park out of lego which he took into school with him to show his teacher.


I showed the boys this photo blog called a Lego a day which I'd seen a link for on Cathy Zielske's blog. I also showed Matthew this post on Cathy's blog about a lego scene her son had made. Well the next day Matthew came into the kitchen to ask me to take off a lego man's leg's. I asked him why and before we could tell me, I twigged. Check it out...his own lego 'body shop'. The lego men can come and choose their new legs, body, head and even hat (they're in the bin on the right hand side of the picture).


Hoping the weather will be dry tomorrow for an easter egg hunt in the garden for the boys. Also tomorrow happens to be the 12th of April so this month I'll have no shortage of photo's for my 12 of the 12th photo/scrapbooking project.

"Hey, I can't believe it's Easter in about 10 minutes time!" I'd better get this posted and get to bed. Happy Easter!
