New Moon
"Happy Birthday to you ...

May the force be with you


The boys have been interested in Star Wars for a little while now. They have a few small Star Wars lego kits and have been looking longingly at the larger, more expensive kits in the Lego catalogue. Saturday night they watched the last half hour or so of a Star Wars film which was on the TV. Sunday they wanted to play Star Wars with their friends from next door out on the driveway. They came indoors to find their toy swords to pretend they were lightsabers. I had already bought two lightsabers a couple of months ago and had them put away for Christmas. Jeff and I decided to give them to the boys so that they could play with 'real' lightsabers.

In the film Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi have a lightsaber deul. Later that day I had an idea. I had some brown fabric and asked Matthew if he'd like me to make him a cloak like Obi-Wan's. Half an hour later Matthew was Obi-Wan Kenobi...


Callum wanted to be Darth Vader, as he had chosen the red lightsaber, but I didn't have any black fabric. So today, after I dropped him at school I went to my local fabric shop and picked some up. Now we have a 'happy' Darth Vader as well as Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Oh and by the way, New Moon, loved it, loved it, loved it - definitely want to see it again soon.

Until next time...May the force be with you!
