She's here!
May the force be with you

New Moon


Oh yes, New Moon is out and I going to see it tonight. I cannot wait, I am just a little bit giddy with excitement! Think I'll squeeze in some time this afternoon to watch Twilight on the laptop, just one more time.

I even more giddy with excitement because I wasn't due to see New Moon until next week earliest. You see my fellow Twilight friends live in Northern Ireland, I live in England, not very easy to go out to the cinema together, not when there's flights involved and I did check the prices of flights. Then a little while ago I found that a friend and fellow Mum from school loved Twilight too. But by then she had already booked tickets to see the premier tonight with some other Mum's from school, but agreed to see it with me another time. Then this morning I got a phone message, someone can't get a babysitter, there's a spare ticket and I'm in. Woohoo, excited was an understatement.

So have a very good night, I certainly will.
