Time for a change
Now he's 5


Callum - 5_web 

Today Callum will be FIVE.

Today he will wake up to a shiny silver star helium balloon in his bedroom.

Today he will get lots of presents and hopefully be really pleased with what we've bought him (we didn't get him the Wii game - Super Mario Galazy 2 he'd asked for - he wanted it for Matthew!).

Today he will blow out 5 candles on his birthday cake (a football pitch birthday cake requested by Callum and made by me)

Today we will celebrate by going to see Toy Story 3 in 3D at the cinema.

Today we will go out for dinner at Frankie and Benny's where they'll make a big deal of his birthday.

I say this all in the future tense because it's just gone midnight, he's fast asleep and I need to get myself to bed soon. I'm sure he'll be up early, excited about his special day. I'm sure he will have forgotten all about the tears he cried at bedtime when he was sad that he wasn't going to be 4 anymore. I'm sure he will think that 5 is just as great as 4, or maybe even better.
