Any excuse to bake cookies!
Inspired and Creative

Good Times

Some days are good, some days are bad. Some days start off good and then turn bad, some days start off bad and then turn good. Today is was the latter, I feel good, I have accomplished things. Infact it didn't even start that bad, I was just woken up this morning by Callum crying, which is what happens every morning but it just got me in a bad mood. Sometimes I would like to be the first to wake up.

In the grand scheme of things my accomplishments are small but to me they are significant. Yesterday I got out in the garden and pruned my roses (should have done that in January), cut and cleared the dead foliage from the plants and generally tidied it all up. One and a half hours and a full compost bin later the job was done. Well at least the back garden was, the front garden will have to wait until next weekend. Today I did the usual housework, plus cleaned the loo, baked a loaf, changed two light bulbs, got the boys out of the house calmly and got Matthew to pre-school on time and finished a scrapbook layout. As I said these are all small accomplishments but I'm still happy that I've achieved them. My greatest accomplishment so far today is being happy and calm. 'Calm' is my 'one word' for the year, see Ali Edwards AEZine, those of you who scrap will know what I'm referring to. I need to be a lot calmer, especially when I'm with the boys as I get stressed very easily.

Here's my finished layout, completed whilst Matthew was at pre-school and Callum asleep. A blissful 1 1/2 hours of 'me' time. It's about the time we spent with our friends The Boyd's last August in Northern Ireland. Janine, you'll notice that I've used the vellum and stickers you gave me, quite appropriate I thought!

