Good Times
You know it got me thinking...

Inspired and Creative

Yesterday's good mood left me feeling inspired and creative, so whilst typepad was down last night I started my second layout of the day. Had some great photos of Callum and I playing a few weeks ago and they were just begging to be put onto a layout. I had also bought some paper over the internet that looked like nice old script on the screen, but when I received it and read it I found that it was all about people dying, very cheery! However I kept hold of it thinking that one day I might be able to use it in a layout and here it is, can't imagine I'll have any other use for it now.


OK, I'm off to watch Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason on DVD with Jeff (we missed it last week on TV and yes he does want to watch it!). Then tomorrow night we're going to see The Bluetones in Southampton, better phone Mum and check they are still ok for babysitting. Already getting excited about hearing 'Bluetonic' 'Slight Return' and if we're lucky 'Carnt be trusted'. Oh, and of course seeing Mark Morris shimmy!
