Happy and content
Easter Fun

Chat, chat, chat

I've been working on a layout about Callum for a few days now and have just finished it. The reason it has taken me this time is due to the subject matter - his ever increasing vocabulary. I wrote one list, then another and then wrote it out on patterned paper, only to go to bed and remember other words. So I typed it out again the next day and of course there are still words that I have missed. But I guess that is the very nature of learning; everyday he will learn more. I've wanted to do a layout on Callum's chat ever since he started calling Matthew (his brother) "Maamoss" or simply "Brubber" (brother). He is just so cute, everytime he says these words or "Dang du" (thank you) I smile, and sometimes even ask him to repeat it, just to hear it again!


This layout was a learning curve for me too as I used my foam and rubber stamps for the first time. The third 'chat' was originally in brown but you couldn't see it very well because of the patterned paper beneath so I went over it in white. Oh well, you live and learn!

It has been such a lovely start to the Easter Holidays. Jeff is off work for the next week and we already seem to have fitted so much in. Yesterday we went down to the beach and let the boys play on the sand.

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Today our friends Sara, Adam, Ella and Daniel dropped in on their way from Surrey to meet family in Dorset. Of course Matthew and Ella had a great time playing together, but as they were getting in the car to leave Matthew looked gloom. He said he wanted to give Ella a kiss goodbye and Callum, not wanting to be left out followed suit and gave Ella a kiss too! We then headed out on the bikes to the country park to have a picnic lunch, a very popular choice as there were loads of families doing the same. And later in the afternoon Matthew, Callum and I made Easter Nests with rice krispies and mini eggs.

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Tomorrow we are heading over to my parents house for lunch and are having an Easter Egg Hunt in their garden. They have a great big garden so the boys will have lots of fun finding the eggs, Matthew is really looking forward to it. Hope I remember where I hide the eggs!

Have a lovely Easter!
