Having a laugh and being glad
Hope, Happiness and HMRC.

Pencil Lines Challenge #35

Took inspiration this week from the Pencil Lines layout for challenge number 35.


I have been wanting to do a layout about the different names Matthew has been called over the 4 years of his life. Up until the age of 2 1/2 years Matthew called himself 'Babboo' and if we held him upside down he'd say 'De Di Down Babboo' (upside down Matthew) we'll always remember that. Had to coach him before he started pre-school at 2 years 9 months to say his name was 'Matthew'. Now everyday I hear Callum, who's 22 months call Matthew 'Mammoss' or 'Brubber' and I think 'I have got to do a page on this' and now I have, hurrah!

If you want to know what supplies I've used they are listed in the Scrapbook Layouts photo album on the left.

Other news. I let Callum play in my car this morning whilst Matthew was at pre-school. He can't really play in the garden because he's allergic to the grass and pollen and currently his eczema is very bad. So I thought 'I know he's always asking to 'brive' so I'll let him pretend to drive the car and I'll sit in the passenger seat'. Great idea to begin with, he loved it and we stayed out there for a good while until he got his thumb caught in the tape machine and scraped off some skin 'OK little man, in we go and get some cream on that'. Later on I went to start the car to pick up Matthew, turned the key and nothing, the lights had been left on and the battery was completely dead! Thankfully my neighbours were in, Callum stayed and played with Steve and little Jane whilst Hannah took me in her car to pick up Matthew. And even better they've lent me some jump leads to charge the battery when Jeff gets home later. Thank goodness for good neighbours!
