Shiver me timbers!
Ali Edwards Pencil Line sketch

Scrap time

I've been neglecting all those boxes, baskets and folders containing my lovely scrapbooking supplies for too long. I had to make up for it at the weekend, especially as I have a 2peas order en route (somewhere!). The first photo / event I really wanted to scrap was Matthew's first day at school. There was lots I wanted to document; his feelings, my feelings, what he did on his first day (or at least what he told me he did!) and how much his uniform cost, etc. I didn't have enough room to put it all on the front of the layout so I made a hidden journaling card behind the photo. I attached an American Crafts chipboard arrow to the journaling card and I got to use my Ali Edwards 'today' stamp and some 'school days' ribbon from Making Memories. So pleased that I have this big event scrapped now.

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The second layout I did told the story of Callum's missing Fireman Sam and Pilot Tom. This really was quite an event for wee Callum, the boy LOVES these figures. As I write this they are safely tucked up in bed with him in the room next door....Yep, just went to check; Tom was next to Callum's little hand and Fireman Sam was on top of his tummy! This layout is a bit heavy on the journaling, but I really wanted to get down in writing just how important it was to find these two little guys.


The final layout is a fun one showing Callum with one of the toy baskets on his head. I happened to look into the lounge to see Callum stood in the basket whilst holding the lid. Before he saw me I sneaked back into the kitchen to grab the camera, I usually always keep the camera in the kitchen so that it is close to hand to record these such moments. I took a photo of him stood in the basket before he noticed me. Once he had seen the camera he acted up to it and put the basket on his head, just for laughs! 


That will be all the scrap time I have until next weekend I imagine because I got another order for bunting today, this time for 16 metres! The lady I made the pirate bunting for has another son and he really wants the same as his little brother, but he has a bigger room. I think I'll be busy behind the sewing machine for the next few nights.

One last thing...

Happy Birthday Janine for the 9th! Wish I could personally deliver your present, but alas I can't. Have a great day!

