Post Christmas Catch-up
Little bits of life

Saying goodbye and going to the pub.

Last year we only managed to go back to Northern Ireland twice, once in the summer and then again at Christmas. This year has already seen us return just a short two weeks later. Jeff's Grampa sadly passed away and how thankful are we that we had recently spent time with him at Christmas. The last time we saw him was in hospital and I told him how much we loved him and he said that he loved us too. He also told Matthew that it had made his day seeing him.

So this last week we returned to spend time with the family and attend Grampa's funeral. We were worried the boys would misbehave at the funeral, especially Callum who is going through a stage of saying words like poo alot! Matthew was very good, you could tell that he was used to sitting still at school and Callum did much better than we expected. On the way out of the church however Matthew asked (quite loudly) "Are we going to the pub now?". When Jeff's Mum told his Gran what Matthew had said she laughed and said that Grampa would have laughed too! 
