Leaving a trail...
Bouncy Birthday Boy

Would you like that wrapped?

Had the best day at our Cornflower Country Crafts fair on Saturday, never sold so much in one go. My doorstops, aprons, painted hearts, bunting and cards went the best and I sold a green felted bag too. I love it when I buy something and it gets wrapped, so I was in my element wrapping up the things people had bought. In fact I couldn't have dreamed that I would sell so much and people gave me such lovely comments - I was on such a high!


I and another lady both make bunting so we decorated the hall with some, I even had to take one down to sell. With this fair being the first one we have held, we really didn't know what to expect. But we were very pleased with how it went and I for one am really looking forward to the next one in June.


Now I need to make a load more stock, started yesterday by buying more fabric and will be placing a Cath Kidston order today. Spurred on by the sales and lovely comments from the fair and from others I have decided to open an on-line shop - details will follow in due course. I've also ordered some sew in labels, like those for school clothes, however these will say Hearts & Flowers. The words will be in pink and the background will be a light blue - hoping that they will indeed look like I imagine!

No scrapbooking has occurred here for over 3 weeks and I can't see that any will for a while yet. Matthew is 5 on Sunday and we have party preparations to do - planning on making cute cupcakes. I've been getting inspiration from a lovely little book by Kate Shirazi called Cupcake Magic. She started her own business in Devon a few years back, making cupcakes in her kitchen with eggs from her battery farm rescued chickens. Check out her website Cakeadoodledo , especially this page with photos of her mouth watering creations! Matthew has requested a Thomas the Tank Engine birthday cake and not one of Mummy's chocolate cakes. However when he saw the Charlie and Lola party accessories available at Tesco he jumped up and down wanting them. OK, little man, no problem, you can definitely have some of those, Mummy loves Charlie and Lola too!

Today and tomorrow I will be tidying the house, Friday I have the Tesco delivery coming (keeping fingers crossed that all the party things are available, especially of course the Charlie and Lola party things). Also need to make up party bags, wrap pass-the-parcel. Saturday I will be baking cupcakes, making jellies, wrapping Matthew's presents and decorating the house - we shall be having bunting and balloons. Sunday the bouncy castle arrives at 10am, then there will be lots of fun Mummy bouncy time before the kids arrive in the afternoon. In between bouncing I will make the sandwiches and sort out the rest of the food. In my mind the table will look fantastic with either a red or a blue polka dot PVC tablecloth (haven't decided which I will use yet), all the yummy food and the Charlie and Lola plates / napkins / cups etc. Really looking forward to the party, so long as it doesn't rain. Hopefully it will all go to plan and everybody, especially Matthew will have a great time. Please weather do not rain! (PS. Hilda - I will miss your help in this year. I won't be attempting a pavlova because I could never come close to your's but I'll have a few extra bounces on the Bouncy Castle for you instead!)

Here's some photos of the of the boys since I last posted.


Matthew in front of the WOW board at school, this is a board where they pin up something the children have done that is very good. Matthew has about 7 pieces of work up there, which is more than any other child! 

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My Dad drawing a train for Callum at my parents house last Friday and Callum who was determined to cycle home from the Country Park on Monday. He is on Matthew's bike and can't get the hang of pushing the pedals all the way round yet. But he persevered and by pushing just the right pedal down and then back and then down again he cycled nearly all the way home, which is (I'm guessing) about a mile.

Have a good rest of the week.
