A few of my favourite things...
Would you like that wrapped?

Leaving a trail...

of cotton threads all over the house. Yet again I've been busy making things and these past two weeks have seen me spending a lot of time behind my sewing machine. In the first picture I decided that I may as well turn the TV round to watch a film whilst sitting sewing and enjoy a glass of Bailey's (notice our cat Chloe keeping me company!). But I'll spare you the details and just show you the pictures...






Since I last posted (yes I know, over 2 weeks ago - shame on me) Matthew has been ill with a sickness bug which kept him off school for a week. Callum was not well on Sunday, probably due to too much party food and bouncing on the bouncy castle at a friends birthday party the day before. He's very snappy at the moment, so things are still not right - will be good to see how he is in the morning.

Callum started Pre-school last Thursday, which he was not keen to go to. I stayed with him for nearly an hour and then left him and them to it. I was worried sick about him crying and upsetting himself, especially because he suffers with asthma. I went to the local supermarket and walked around the aisles trying to remember what we needed, all along wondering how he was getting on and frequently checking the signal on my phone. When I picked him up he was very pleased to see me, but had infact been ok, asking a few times for me but no big tears. He went again yesterday and wasn't happy at all about going. We met Matthew in the playground at lunchtime (Callum's pre-school is located across the playground at Matthew's school). Matthew told Callum "not to worry and that he was just across the playground". I stayed with Callum for half an hour and then made my exit. On picking him up he said he'd enjoyed it and had made some ham sandwiches. The playleader said he'd cried a couple of times, but just for a little while. He goes again tomorrow, so fingers crossed he'll be happier going in. Here's a photo of Callum just before pre-school last Thursday looking very unsure. The red t-shirt didn't stay on long, he went in his favourite green one! The second photo is Matthew on his first day of pre-school back in February 2006 looking super excited. The third photo is another of Callum before we went to pre-school and the fourth is Callum in the garden at his pre-school after I picked him up. 



Last Thursday was also the day Matthew returned to school after being ill, just in time for his class assembly. Callum and I went to watch, it was so cute, they based it on bugs and dramatised the story 'The very hungry caterpillar'. Some children danced to the song 'the ugly bug ball' and they all sang four different songs. The last of which brought a tear to my eye - I'm told that I wasn't the only one! This is Matthew after the assembly when the children were rewarded with juice and a chocolate biscuit and I even had a coffee.


I have our first Cornflower Country Crafts craft fair this Saturday, keeping everything crossed that; a. people will come. b. people will like what I've made and c. people will buy some of my things.


Really looking forward to a break next week and maybe some scrapping. Here's the last layout I made, which was about 2 weeks ago... (sorry it's a bit blurry).


AND finally, who can resist licking the mixture off the beaters?


Oh and one last thing... I made my skirt... the Amy Butler Barcelona skirt with the gorgeous Seagreen Coriander fabric (seen above on the reversible handmade totes). Alas the weather has been shocking; rain, rain, rain and I haven't been able to wear it 'properly' yet - but I love it. I made some alterations to the basic A-line pattern; like taking in the sides a little to narrow the 'A-line' and shortened it by a good 3 inches - Jeff was keen on this idea! I will photograph it when I remember, even if I'm not wearing it.
