A Week in the Life - Tuesday
Week in the Life - Thursday

Week in the Life - Wednesday

Day 3 of my Week in the Life project.


Good Morning! Matthew greets me and my camera with a smile.


Breakfast time for me - weetabix and warm milk and a cup of coffee. The boys are eating their breakfast in the lounge.


Meeting up with my friend Ros for coffee.


Dropped in to see my Mum and Dad on the way back from meeting Ros. This is the black hen strucking her way back to her nest after a half an hour break. She built a nest next to their house and has been sitting on eggs for awhile, the last lot didn't hatch, I wonder if any of these will? She belongs to a farmer who has free range chickens in the next field to my parents house.


Parked up in the road next to the boys school. Callum comes out at 2:55 and Matthew at 3pm.


On the way back to the car. Callum pulls a daisy out of his pocket that he picked at lunchtime for me. He's a little upset that it's gone droopy so he picks me a fresh one from the verge. This is the droopy one!


The afternoon washing up; the lunchboxes, water bottles and containers. 


The boys in the car on the way to Matthew's football club at the local leisure centre. Matthew won the trophy for good passing at his last practice, he has to take it back today for another person to win.


Whilst Jeff picks up Matthew from football, I get started on the dinner. Tonight spaghetti bolognaise.


The evening tidy up of lego!
