Time for a change

Joseph, 17 sashs and a sheep costume.

The first school my sons go to put on a production every year and all the children (all 300) take part. This year they put on 'Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat'.

I had offered to help with any sewing that needed doing and was given fabric to make sashs for Matthew's year group. I made 17 sashs in lilac and blue, not too taxing, although Matthew ended up wearing a red sash made by another Mum. Matthew's year sang 'Back in Canaan'. I couldn't get a decent photo of him on stage, but here he is exiting the hall at the end of the show.


Callum's year group sang 'Joseph's Coat', a great song in which they had to memorise 29 colours - quite difficult for 4 and 5 year olds! They all had to dress up as sheep - yeah, a 'proper' costume for me to make! I bought some gorgeous fleece fabric from my local haberdashery for the main tunic, an alice band from Sainsbury's and some other fleece and soft fabric from my fabric drawer for the ears. He looked really cute.



And here's those ears how they should have been worn.


The show was fantastic, all the children were amazing and the solos brought a lump to my throat - wow - really impressive for children aged between 4 and 9 years old!
