Pencil Lines Challenge
Happy and content

Running on empty

I've been up since 4am, not of my own choosing I might add! Yesterday was such a beautiful day that in the afternoon the boys played in the garden. Not a problem for most kids, but poor Callum is allergic to grass and goodness knows what else. This I believe was the cause of his and subsequently our disturbed sleep last night. At 4am he woke crying and when I went in to him he was rubbing and scratching his face and hands. He had already had anti-histamine during the day (which he has everyday), even Calpol couldn't get him back to sleep. At least they both had a great time playing in the garden...

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So today has not been quite as expected. Matthew had pre-school in the morning and I was due to meet my friend Jo for coffee. But little Callum was clearly not going to stay awake for that, so coffee was cancelled and Callum was put to bed. Seeing as next week is the Easter Holidays and there is no pre-school I thought I'd make use of this unforeseen 'me' time and do a layout about another day when the boys were busy. The housework can wait! 


Good night, I'm definitely off to bed!
